Welcome to My World

Anecdotal observations of life while in pursuit of things to accomplish before (doh!) 32.

Friday, October 10, 2008

My Apologies...

I can't tell you how many people have rode my ass for not posting in two weeks. I'm here, I'm back, and thank you for all of your smart ass comments on my Facebook page and otherwise. Love you people.

Since my last post I've done two moves (the second happening in oh, two hours), watched my 401(k) go poof, prepped for a big 'ole party this weekend, and planned and started four straight weeks of business travel. I know, I know, no excuse for not blogging--in fact, I may be a little more sane right now if I had taken the time to participate in this release. But instead, I am over the rainbow, toys in the attic, truly gone fishing...I am crazy.

Speaking of, has anyone noticed being "on meds" has become the norm? I had a collegue ask me if I was the other day, and much to his surprise I said no. You would think I told him I don't eat. I also had a dear friend tell me the surefire way to get Xanax from your doctor. Is this the reality of our lives today, or do people just perceive me as being a little off and fully expect that I should be medicated? Or am I just SO even keel despite the upheaval that everyone assumes I am?

The power of positive thought and appreciation of little things keeps me going.

I wonder how Xanax might improve this outlook...

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