Welcome to My World

Anecdotal observations of life while in pursuit of things to accomplish before (doh!) 32.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

#3, #12 and #29

A lot to talk about, whew! It's crazy when you find yourself pondering what topic you will discuss next because there are so many. Funny how that doesn't happen with my work blog (which I think they took away from me, but I'm not sure--I keep getting spam posts).

#3: Keeping up with friends and family.
I've talked to a lot of them lately. Ne is coming to visit in two weeks, and after an 1 1/2 hour conversation last night (which ended with a cowboy boot and a cockroach--don't ask) I am looking even more forward to it than I was already. I could jump out of my skin. My sister, Ne, Tray and Shannon within 30 days. This just does not happen.

The most surprising encounter was a chat over Facebook with a former colleague (and friend of course--they all eventually become my friends in this twisted culture, it can't be helped) who gave me a very honest and intelligent perspective on some of the things going on in this little lady's life right now. I hadn't talked to him in months, but damn if he didn't nail it. The best part--he's completely outside, had no prior knowledge of anything, and yet echoed my thoughts and ideas on the matter. Makes me feel like I'm NOT living with my head up my ass and I DO know what I'm talking about. Amen.

#12: Start My Book.
I've written a lot. 78 pages to be exact. 78 and stuck too. So, it occurs to me in the shower this morning that the woman who owns the condo we're renting is the editor-in-chief of a well received Atlanta publication. Oh, what was that? Did I say EDITOR? I think so. EDITOR = PUBLISHING = CONNECTIONS. I dropped the soap. Maybe I can be like Carrie and get a column! And then I'll have my book published, and marry Big, and....wait, not my life. Yet.

#29: Stop Biting My Nails.
Done, for real this time. I find it fascinating that during one of the hardest times in my life I have managed to kick a habit I've had since childhood--typically induced by stress. I am of course 2 steps from a 12-step and started smoking satan sticks pretty regularily, but everyone has their means of coping, and has to have a vice, right? When will mine be sex? That would be a good one that can't get me in too much trouble provided it's with my boyfriend. Wait. Let's rethink that.

So there we have it. All the goings on which is almost too much for me in one day. I'm exhausted.

Xanax and a nap.

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