Welcome to My World

Anecdotal observations of life while in pursuit of things to accomplish before (doh!) 32.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

#22: Try Not to be Sick

I just can't help myself, but YES this topic goes on. Last night's experience was ri-dic-u-lous. So of course I'm sharing, and maybe oversharing but so be it.

I had a lovely, quiet election night and knew by 10:15 that Obama would be our next President (and I refrain from comment on my opinion of that outcome). So, I went to bed. Or tried to. For the next 4 hours, I had to pee--constantly. But I was so drugged up on Nyquil that I didn't really understand that it was not normal. At 2:03am, I emerged from my Nyquil fog and it came to me--UTI.

Now, if you have ever had one of these, you know exactly how much insanity they can bring to your life. Besides being painful, they are EXTREMELY frustrating. I can't imagine what being pregnant is like with that baby pressing on your bladder constantly, but I'm guessing it's a close comparison (minus the burning--ok, too far, I know).

So, I proceeded to pull all of my meds from last year's lovely experience (that was the whole hospitilization episode) and take two of each. It wasn't until after I swallowed that I thought about how these meds may interact with the Nyquil and Sudafed already in my system, but it seemed logical in the middle of the night.

Needless to say I passed out. I woke this morning, and here is the moral of my story:

I called the doctor, and when asked the reason for my requested appointment, the answer was:
"I think I have a UTI, and I'm still not over the head and chest thing, and my back has started hurting and I think it may be anxiety."

Pause. Pause. Pause. "Are you still there?"

"Yes, when would you like to come in?"

It was then I realized my doctor must think I am a paranoid hypocondriac. I SWEAR, I am not. Hell, why have health insurance if you aren't going to take advantage of it.

Fix me, please!!!

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