Welcome to My World

Anecdotal observations of life while in pursuit of things to accomplish before (doh!) 32.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

All these things that I have done

Guess what? This is my 100th post! Ahh...such an occasion. Don't sitcoms get parties or something? Would you not compare my life to a sitcom? A tragicomedramady?

In honor of my achievement, we are going to take a look at my accomplishments (or lack there of) thus far as they relate to the hateful list. Here we go--grab some wine for additional entertainment:

1) Keep Going to the Gym: If once per quarter counts, done.
2) Maintain Stable Frame of Mind: Next...
3) Keep in touch with family and friends: Better than the average year with the exception of the past 2 months which SO do not count.
4) Choose my battles: Failed fucking miserably and am now in the battle of a lifetime.
5) Save more money: Sort of. But it's been a really bad bonus year.
6) Commit to using eye cream: I did, but now I can't afford it.
7) Eat healthier: Red wine, check.
8) Thus stop eating out so much: Not by choice.
9) Potty train Gizmo: Shazaam! Did it!!
10) Relax: That depends on how you define relax?
11) Explore the possibilities: Of what?
12) Start my book: Done, twice.
13) Remember everyone's birthday: Those birthdays I know.
14) Remember everyone's anniversary: This is really, hard. Really.
15) Stop paying for convenience: Oh, valet?
16) Do my own taxes: Yup.
17) Plant flowers in the springtime: Done. God I miss my house.
18) Read at least 18 books: Good as done.
19) Cut down on travel for work: I go nowhere.
20) See a dermatologist: We all know how THAT went down.
21) Find a better dentist: Found good nitrous.
22) Try not to be sick: There must be mold in my house.
23) Have more girl time: At this point, I'm looking for more girls.
24) Learn to make a mean vodka sauce: Finito!
25) Get engaged (or become single): Can I take the fifth?
26) Master the social networks: Mastered SELLING the social networks.
27) Celebrate my sister's wedding: She is officially Mrs. Marsland, even six months later.
28) Have more me time: I think it's time for a little space from myself.
29) Stop biting my nails: Somehow, it happened.
30) Buy a house: Sold a house.
31) Understand and embrace how fortunate I really am: I still have four more sessions.

In general, I may not have accomplished much, but I still have about 45 days and I sure as hell learned a lot about myself.

I got soul but I'm not a soldier.

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