Welcome to My World

Anecdotal observations of life while in pursuit of things to accomplish before (doh!) 32.

Monday, May 19, 2008

#11: Explore the Possibilities

It is time, indeed. Maybe today I am feeling more dramatic than usual, but it's been spinning in the back of my mind for a long time--move on.

I find myself completely unfulfilled and in need of finding something more engaging than spreadsheets to keep me feeling alive. I no longer believe that what I do adds value or makes the best use of my talents in the grand scheme of things. Living for Friday is not how I want to experience life over the next 30 years.

By no means do I have any regrets--things have been good, no GREAT, over the past 10 years. I've worked my ass off and learned a lot--experiences I would not trade for the yellow J. Crew bag I currently covet. But change happens, and regretfully, it doesn't always agree with everyone it touches.

Time will tell but I'm feeling it. I do know that whatever I end up doing (or not doing), I will do it strong. I do not function well as "average".

Maybe that's a larger issue...

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